Thursday, February 25, 2010

I just took a clear blue easy home pregnancy test and the result was!?

a blue line with a very faint line going up and down my af was due yesterday my boobs are sore dont feel like i'm gonna start my period anymore just a lil bloated please help.I just took a clear blue easy home pregnancy test and the result was!?
You may get a false negative, but almost never a false positive. Congratulations!

You may have a lot of questions and the future may appear uncertain, but don't let your imagination take over. It's not going to be as hard or bad or scary as you think. Over time, your near future will become clearer and you can then be happy no matter what.

My reaction to the prego-test going positive was something like ';Oh sh*t';. It turned out to be fun and wonderful. It will change your's supposed to.

I cheered when she came out and I don't ever remember what life was like without her! I can't wait to go home every night to play with my baby. It's the best!

Here are some visual aids: just took a clear blue easy home pregnancy test and the result was!?
Even a faint line is supposed to be considered a positive, it just usually means that you've tested too early.

You will need to wait a day or so and test again, and make sure to do with with the 1st urine of the morning to allow for the greatest concentration of hcg.

But since you didn't test ';early'; based on your expected AF, that likely means one of two things: You ovulated late (VERY common if you've been under any sort of physical or mental stress a little more than 2 weeks ago) or you had a very early miscarriage.

So it's possible that if you test again tommorrow that you'll get a darker line confirming pregnancy or a faint to no line indicating a possible early miscarriage.
When I found out I was pregnant I took six pregnancy tests. All of which had a very vivid line and one line so faint that you could hardly see. If you see the other line at all congratulations. What makes the line that is coming up faint show up is a certian hormone that will only come up when your pregnant. If that line even faintly shows up then you are probably pregnant because you have that hormone present. You may not be far along and that is the reason it is faint.
You are more the likely pregnant! Congrats! The info below is from hope it helps!

The positive line is really faint. Is this okay?

An HPT tells you exactly one thing: your urine either has detectable pregnancy hormone in it, or it doesn't. The darkness or lightness of a line doesn't mean much. Generally speaking, a very light line can mean there is a small amount of hCG in your urine, and a very dark line can mean there is a larger amount of hCG in your urine. This is why you may get a faint positive at 10 DPO but a darker positive at 18 DPO. However, this is not always true. Tests are all different, and even tests in the same box may differ in sensitivity. Comparing light/dark lines will just drive you nuts. If you see a line in the ';results'; window, you're preg!

Could I have a false positive?

Essentially, it is possible, but it's unlikely. If you get two lines, you're most likely pregnant. Exceptions: if you have been taking certain fertility meds with hCG, the test may be picking up the hCG from the meds and not an embryo. Also, some tests develop ';positive'; lines after the time limit. You should NOT read the test after the time limit (usually 10 minutes, but check the directions that came with the test.) Yes, this means you should throw the test away and NOT dig it out of the trash in three hours to see if a line magically appeared. And, if the ';positive'; line is gray or looks like a ';dent'; in the test, it is an evaporation line and not a true positive.
Wow!!! Congrats! A positive is a positive, no matter how faint. If your still unsure and cant wait until your Dr appointment take another test in a few days. Start taking prenatal vitamins, drink lots of water and rest.
ANY amount of that 2nd line means positive. Retest again tomorrow and it is likely to get darker.

YAYAYAYAYA!!! congratulation!!!

I did one clear blue on Sunday it was (+) the I did another brands it was (-) I going to the doc tomorrow I hope I get my bfp!!!!!
HEHEHE! WELL EVEN THO ITS FAINT-- U MIGHT BE HAVING A LIL' ONE SOON, THAT HAPPEND TO ME! Maybe I should be saying Congrats now, but let me know how u make out... good luck ;)
I learned that even a faint line was positive.
Yes It really sounds as if you're pregnant!! Congratulations!!
Hey its a line! Congrates but just to be sure I'd test in a day or so again!
Most likely you the days go by the line should get darker. Try first response, its SOOO much better.
your pregnant. Congratulations!
sounds like you are pregnant, get another test and wait until tomorrow morning with your first morning urine.. Good Luck!
sounds like an alien baby... good luck with that... lol. go to the doctor.
ur probly prego! thats how my test was too and sure enough i was pregnant!

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