Thursday, February 25, 2010

Clear Blue Pregnancy Test Says Positive?

I have taken 4 clear blue pregnancy tests now, all says pregnant. Which is great news if it's true, but I'm not sure if it is. I also took a first response and e.p.t., both of which said not pregnant. I made an appt to go see an obgyn tomorrow and am worried that the results there could be wrong as well. Any idea why clear blue says I'm pregnant but the other's don't? Oh, and I am now 4 days late.Clear Blue Pregnancy Test Says Positive?
Sounds like you are congrats!!!Clear Blue Pregnancy Test Says Positive?
It's much more common to get a false negative than a false positive... so I would say you're very likely pregnant!!


The reason the other tests may have come up negative is that they might detect the pregnancy hormone at a higher level then the clear blue, or you may have taken those ones at a time of day when your urine was less concentrated. (First morning urine is always best).

Your ob/gyn should have very sensitive tests, so if you are pregnant it should show up. Good Luck!!!!!
At only 4 days late, if you've had several test say you are pregnant, you probably are. It could be that the hormone needed to show a positive on the first response is not there yet (or not enough of it yet). I'd say you're likely pregnant.
i have no idea but i want to say to ask the doc for a blood test because they can see your hCG levels it takes a few days but it is worth it Good Luck
some tests are more sensitive/accurate than others....i'd guess that you are preggo, congrats....the docs test will be accurate (although 4 days late is kind of early)....they can also do a more accurate blood test
Yes 4 +'s equal pregnancy!
you probably are. I wish you luck.

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